Available formats: juice, concentrate, puree


Vitamin C is the most common vitamin in blackberry fruit

Blackberry fruit is a small fruit of the berry family with a striking appearance and a dark color that gives it an attractive exterior. Its sweet flavor makes it a very appetizing berry because it is easy and convenient to eat. In addition, it can be combined in many ways with other foods.

Blackberry fruit is considered a diuretic berry thanks to different elements, among them potassium, being of great help as an ally against hypertension. Calcium is another mineral with a high volume in blackberry fruit, important for the healthy growth of our teeth and bones. Finally, we can find large amounts of iron, being one of the fruits with the highest iron content.

Among the different types of vitamins contained in blackberry fruit, we find vitamin C, being the most abundant. Presence of B vitamins, such as folic acid, riboflavin or thiamine, are important for many processes and functions of our organism.

One of the most special elements of blackberry fruit is arbutin, a glucose substance that has antibacterial properties that it shares with other fruits such as pear or blueberry. Blackberry is a fruit that can be consumed in juices, concentrates and purees.


Therefore, blackberry fruit can be used in a wide variety of applications such as concentrated red fruit or berries drinks, medicinal diuretic juices for certain types of infections or purees and dairy products. Among its application sectors are also the HORECA channels or baby food products

In Pilmifresh you can find blackberry fruit prepared for direct application in the food industry sector and in different formats: blackberry fruit concentrate, blackberry fruit juice and blackberry fruit puree. 

Do not hesitate to consult with our professionals about the formats and import and export options that best suit your interests. In our catalog you can find more products similar to blackberry fruit concentrate, blackberry fruit juice or blackberry fruit puree.






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