Available formats: juice, concentrate, puree
Available formats: juice, concentrate, puree
Cucumber is a vegetable which contains high content of vitamin C.
The cucumberis a refreshing and versatile vegetable which is used both in beauty and health treatments, as well as, delicious summery recipes, or revitalizing cucumber juices. Its simple appearance hides great properties.
The vitamin C is the most relevant in the cucumber, turning this vegetable in a tool to reinforce our immune system. Besides, it contains type B vitamins with a remarkable antioxidant intake.
It owes its lightness to the fact that the biggest part of its volume is water. Due to this, the cucumber is a hypochaloric fruit which helps to remove liquids thanks to its water and potassium levels, being this way a diuretic food.
At Pilmifresh you can find cucumber in juices, concentrates and puree.
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