Available formats: dices, cream, water
Available formats: dices, cream, water
Coconut is a tropical fruit with moisturizing properties thanks to the juice it keeps inside. This water is one of its main characteristics, but we cannot forget its high fiber content. Its characteristics favor the reduction of cholesterol in our organism. In addition, it contains important characteristics for cosmetic use.
Coconut has a good number of vitamins inside its hard shell. Vitamin E is the most important of the vitamins it contains and the one that gives it antioxidant capacity. It also contains vitamin C, and vitamins B1 and B2. However, it is a fruit whose consumption must take into account the high caloric value it provides.
In the Pilmifresh catalog we offer the food and beverage industry different types of coconut formats. On the one hand, you can find frozen diced coconut, treated by the IQF process to ensure the integrity of its characteristics.
On the other hand, we have coconut in cream and water formats, whose use in the beverage industry is becoming more and more standardized and even has different applications in the cosmetics world.
In this way, from Pilmifresh we intend to cover and cover the possible needs that may arise in the food market, providing useful and intelligent solutions to give an effective and quality product. Whatever the choice of our customers, we have a variety of packaging, seeking to offer the greatest possible convenience.
In Pilmifresh you can find diced coconut, cream and water, all of them treated products to be used in the food and beverage industry. For any other request about this or other similar products, do not hesitate to consult our catalog.
PILMIFRESH, S.L. ha participado en el Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX-Next, y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX, así como con la cofinanciación de Fondos europeos FEDER, habiendo contribuido según la medida de los mismos, al crecimiento económico de esta empresa, su región y de España en su conjunto.