Available formats: whole, juice, concentrate, puree
Available formats: whole, juice, concentrate, puree
Blueberry has a notorious vitamin C and antioxidant content.
Blueberry is a fruit with a very low level of carbohydrates and therefore a low caloric level. That is why blueberry is used to make a multitude of preparations focused on the world of health and sports practices. Its sweet touch with acid notes helps to combine it with different types of food and cooking styles.
Blueberry, thanks to its characteristics, is usually recommended in a variety of low-calorie diets. In addition, among its main nutrients we can find such basic pieces for the correct functioning of our organism as vitamin C.
To its great amount of vitamin C we have to add the contribution of fiber. Once again, we see how blueberry is a fruit with qualities to be able to have a healthy diet and prevent conditions such as constipation or obesity. In addition, thanks to its anthocyanins, they have their characteristic reddish tones and have great antioxidant power.
Among the minerals that they offer to our organism are potassium, iron and calcium, all of them important for multiple functions of our organism to be carried out correctly. As we will see below, the versatility of blueberries allows the food industry to take advantage of their benefits in different food and beverage sectors.
At Pilmifresh we focus on the possibilities that our products can offer to the industry, and that is why we cover from concentrates, juices and purees, to frozen fruit pieces.
Among the uses of blueberry concentrate, blueberry juice or blueberry puree that you can find in Pilmifresh’s catalog, are its uses in the soft drinks industry, isotonic beverages or juices and dairy products.
Frozen blueberries, on the other hand, are intended for use in confectionery and preparations such as salads, since their size and the process we use for freezing ensure optimal conditions for their use.
At Pilmifresh we offer frozen whole blueberry and blueberry juice, blueberry concentrate and blueberry puree of the highest quality. We provide frozen cranberry that preserves all the properties of fresh blueberry.
Do not hesitate to consult with our professionals about the formats and import and export options that can best suit your interests. In our catalog, you can find more products similar to frozen apple in pieces.
PILMIFRESH, S.L. ha participado en el Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX-Next, y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX, así como con la cofinanciación de Fondos europeos FEDER, habiendo contribuido según la medida de los mismos, al crecimiento económico de esta empresa, su región y de España en su conjunto.